23 August 2012

G-OSD flashed - converted to CL-OSD

Here are a few steps with pictures that show how to change the Hobby King G-OSD II firmware to CL-OSD. Here is where I get it. I know there is a blog talks about it, but it has 100+ pages to read. I thought I would just simplify some steps here. At the end you can see a video that shown how the G-OSD react and how the screen looks like during the uploading process.

Here are the other links to the Success and My New Display Design.

Step 1: Go to http://code.google.com/p/cl-osd/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FG-OSD and download the cl-osd.hex and cl-osd.eep files. Here is the screen shot of the website.

 Step 2: To download the files, click on the View raw file at the lower right hand.

Step 3: You should see the code like below. Then copy the codes and paste them in Notepad and a folder.

Step 4: Download the avrdude software which I use to program the OSD. You can download it from WinAVR
Step 5: Once you installed the avrdude, you can then go Run the avrdude. Type "cmd" in the Run shortcut as shown below.


 Step 6: After you click OK from the Run, you should see the terminal screen pop up like the one below.

 Step 7: Now type "cd c:\cl-osd (c drive folder cl-osd is where my .hex and .eep files located)"

Step 8: This step is to test if you have installed the avrdude correctly by simply by typing "avrdude" then hit enter. You should see something like the screen shown below.

Step 9: This step is to put a line of commend to tell avrdude to upload the firmware, the .hex and .eep files, to your G-OSD. The commend line is avrdude.exe -p m88 -c usbasp -U flash:w:cl-osd.hex -U eeprom:w:cl-osd.eep

The "usbasp" in the commend line is the name of the programmer (hardware) you use to connect your G-OSD to the computer. Since I am using the Sparkfun Pocket AVR Programmer, I changed the "usbasp" to "usbtiny" so that the avrdude knows what programmer I am using.

Last Step: Before you hit enter, you should already have all your G-OSD wired up and connected with the programmer (with driver installed) and the computer. After you hit the enter, you should see the screen below shown reading and writing done.

See Video

See the result. By the way, my system is NTSC.


  1. you are an absolute star!
    I had to add -F to the end of the avrdude command line as the signature from my OSD chip was not expected, I flashed this about 30 times with eXtreme Burner and each time something was getting corrupted.

    it worked first time with your method.

    Thanks again.


  2. Hi. I know this is old but I just flashed the chip everything went like yours did with programming but nothing comes up when I power everything up. I get flickers in my fpv that makes me think something else is trying to come through but no osd info. Please help me out if possible.

    1. Did you use my eep and hex files? Keep in mind that those are NTSC. If you use a PAL cam, the files won't work.
